
Can HPV vaccines have serious side effects?

HPV Vaccination has no serious side effects. False information and rumors about side-effects from HPV vaccination are spread on social media and among parents and teenagers. They are false. More than 270 million doses HPV vaccine have administered in the world and many large studies have shown that HPV vaccine does not cause serious side-effects.

Hundreds of millions of people have already received the HPV vaccine. You can trust that the HPV vaccine is safe and is effective in saving lives.

Like other vaccines, the HPV vaccine can produce mild side effects, such as:

  • Redness, swelling or soreness in the arm where the injection is given.

  • Headache, mild fever, aches in joints or muscles or temporary nausea.

  • These side effects usually last a day or two and are not dangerous.

Injection with the HPV vaccine feels like any other shot, and the arm used for the injection may feel sore for a day or so. If your skin turns red and a bit sore where you get the shot, don’t panic as this is perfectly normal!

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