
Tell us your story!

Some people spread false information about HPV vaccination to gain their own causes. Don’t listen to them!

Listen and talk to those who know about vaccines and girl’s and women’s health, like your local health care provider and your teacher.

  • HPV vaccine does not make girls have sex or be promiscuous.

  • HPV does not trigger a girl’s menstruation.

  • HPV vaccine is not contraception.

  • HPV vaccine does not reduce fertility.

  • HPV vaccine is safe and has no serious side-effects.

It is highly likely that false rumours about HPV and the HPV vaccine will circulate in your country such as the association of the virus with the sexual activity of girls/women. We want to understand these rumours to counter them and protect more Girls from harmful disease.

Also, there are positive stories about young people and communities spreading the word about the benefits of HPV and acting to get more girls protected!

Have you heard any specific rumours about HPV?

Do you have an empowering story to share around vaccination and the HPV vaccine in particular?

We want to hear from you! Let us know your story, it could help other people and help save more lives.

Thanks a lot!
