
1. Set a goal

Goals make clear the problem you are trying to solve, and the solution you’re proposing. Write down a.) the problem that you have identified and b.) the solution you want to achieve. For example, ‘Polluted air is making people sick. My goal is to reduce air pollution’. Your answer should only be two sentences long.

Now it’s time to make your goal stronger. The clearer and more specific your goal, the more likely you are to reach it. Try to put a number, a place and a date into your goal. For example, ‘My goal is to reduce air pollution by one quarter, in my town, by the end of the year.’

The place can be anything from your school to your country. The date can be anything from one month to two years. If you’re an experienced campaigner, it’s okay to think big. But smaller campaigns are easier to win, and will teach you how to run bigger ones. Write down your goal.
